Monday, July 16, 2007

Summer vacation

Seems like we spend so much time waitin' for summer to actually arrive, that when it does, we don't have the time to really enjoy it. Timing it is the problem. When do we take our holidays? How long do we take? Do we spread it out over many long weekends or make it one stretch of 2 weeks or more? In most other parts of the country, I imagine that the majority of people are pretty confident when they make their summer vacation plans. They can rely on the weather being somewhat consistent.

Here on The Rock we have a much more challenging time at choosing/guessing/gambling (whatever you want to call it) of when to make our vacation plans. This year I have decided to "wing it". I will plan to take some of my vacation in extended weekends rather than my usual one week stint here and there. I still don't know if that's a good plan or not, but at the end of the summer, or what we like to refer to as "summer", I'm sure I'll be happy that I had at least a few vacation days to enjoy. I hope!


Unknown said...

Imagine the challenges surrounding those of us living on the mainland and planning our vacation on the rock every summer!

YourBootStraps said...

Yeah, it's a crapshoot... take your chances and throw caution to the wind!